Category: News

McAllen Attorney

Understanding Dram Shop Laws in the Rio Grande Valley, McAllen, and Corpus Christi

Understanding the Importance of Dram Shop Laws in the Rio Grande Valley, McAllen, and Corpus Christi

The vibrant Texas culture and bustling nightlife of the Rio Grande Valley, McAllen, and Corpus Christi bring life and energy to these regions. However, this vibrancy also comes with serious responsibilities, especially for establishments that serve alcohol. Texas dram shop laws are instrumental in these areas, ensuring public safety by holding bars, clubs, and restaurants accountable for over-serving alcohol. These laws are not just regulatory measures; they are crucial for preventing alcohol-related incidents, particularly drunk driving accidents, that can have devastating effects on individuals and communities.

What Are Dram Shop Laws?

  • Texas dram shop law provides a legal framework for holding alcohol-serving establishments liable if they over-serve alcohol to their patrons. This law is particularly relevant in areas like the Rio Grande Valley, McAllen, and Corpus Christi, where the nightlife thrives and is a significant part of the community culture.
  • The essence of responsible alcohol service under these laws is not just a legal obligation but also a moral one. It is crucial for the safety and well-being of the community. Establishments are required to ensure that their serving practices do not put patrons or the public at risk.

Case Studies: Dram Shop Laws in Action

Case studies from Texas, particularly in the Rio Grande Valley, have shown the impact of these laws in reducing incidents of drunk driving. These case studies often reveal how establishments’ failure to adhere to responsible serving practices leads to severe consequences, including fatal accidents.

Such examples highlight the effectiveness of dram shop laws in promoting public safety. They serve as a reminder of the importance of these laws in deterring negligent practices by establishments and encouraging a culture of responsibility and care.

Legal Protections for Victims

In areas like McAllen and Corpus Christi, the rights of individuals affected by drunk driving incidents are protected under dram shop laws. These laws provide a pathway for victims to seek compensation and hold negligent establishments accountable.

Experienced dram shop attorneys play a pivotal role in this process. They help victims navigate the complexities of the legal system, ensuring that they receive fair compensation and that justice is served. These legal professionals are dedicated to upholding the rights of victims and ensuring that establishments are held responsible for their actions.

Responsibilities of Local Establishments

Local establishments in the Rio Grande Valley, McAllen, and Corpus Christi must adhere to best practices to avoid dram shop liability. This includes implementing comprehensive training programs for staff on responsible alcohol serving, establishing effective policies to monitor and control alcohol consumption, and ensuring a safe environment for patrons.

The prevention of dram shop liability goes beyond legal compliance. It is about building trust within the community and contributing to a culture of safety and responsibility. Establishments that prioritize responsible serving practices not only protect themselves from legal repercussions but also demonstrate their commitment to the well-being of their patrons and the community.

Seeking Legal Help in Dram Shop Cases

For those affected by incidents related to over-serving alcohol in the Rio Grande Valley, seeking legal redress is a crucial step in the pursuit of justice. Victims can take certain steps to protect their rights and seek compensation for damages suffered.

Skilled dram shop lawyers, such as those at The Law Office of Chris Sanchez, provide indispensable legal assistance in such cases. They offer expert guidance, from the initial consultation to the resolution of the case, ensuring that victims’ rights are protected and that they receive the compensation and justice they deserve.

In conclusion, dram shop laws play a critical role in ensuring the safety and accountability of popular social hubs like the Rio Grande Valley, McAllen, and Corpus Christi. These laws mandate responsible alcohol service and inform victims of their rights and available legal options. They are not only essential for regulating establishments but also for fostering a safer and more responsible community.

Contact Information:

For expert legal advice in dram shop cases in these regions, contact The Law Office of Chris Sanchez at 317 W Nolana Ave, McAllen TX 78504, or call (956) 686-4357 for a free consultation. Their team is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of legal support, safeguarding the rights of victims, and promoting the safety and well-being of the community.

Mission Car Crash Attorney

Brindando Servicios Legales de Calidad

La Oficina de Abogados de Chris Sanchez, con su compromiso inquebrantable de servir a sus clientes, ha establecido una fuerte presencia en varias ciudades de Texas, incluyendo McAllen, Edinburg, San Antonio y Houston. Con una reputación de excelencia y dedicación, esta firma legal continúa brindando servicios legales de primer nivel a individuos y empresas en estas áreas.

Acerca de la Oficina de Abogados de Chris Sanchez

Chris Sanchez, el fundador y abogado principal de esta destacada oficina legal, ha construido una práctica basada en un profundo conocimiento de la ley, un compromiso con el bienestar de los clientes y una pasión por la justicia. El enfoque de la firma se centra en proporcionar una representación legal integral, adaptada a las necesidades y circunstancias únicas de cada cliente. La Oficina de Abogados de Chris Sanchez cuenta con un historial de éxito y un compromiso con las comunidades de McAllen, Edinburg, San Antonio y Houston.

Sirviendo a McAllen y Edinburg

La Oficina de Abogados de Chris Sanchez tiene una fuerte presencia en las ciudades de McAllen y Edinburg, ubicadas en el Valle del Río Grande. Los residentes de estas áreas pueden confiar en la firma para necesidades legales, incluyendo casos de lesiones personales.

Ya sea que hayas sufrido un accidente automovilístico, un incidente en el lugar de trabajo o cualquier otra situación desafortunada, los  abogados de lesiones personales de la firma están listos para luchar por tus derechos. Trabajan diligentemente para asegurar la compensación por gastos médicos, pérdida de salarios, dolor y sufrimiento, y otros daños.

Servicios en San Antonio

La Oficina de Abogados de Chris Sanchez extiende sus servicios profesionales a la vibrante ciudad de San Antonio, ofreciendo una variedad de soluciones legales a individuos y empresas en la zona.

En San Antonio, los abogados de lesiones personales de la firma están dedicados a ayudar a las víctimas de accidentes a recuperar sus vidas. Trabajan incansablemente para construir casos sólidos y negociar con compañías de seguros para garantizar que los clientes reciban una compensación justa por sus lesiones y su sufrimiento. Con un profundo conocimiento de la ley de lesiones personales, brindan la defensa necesaria para responsabilizar a las partes negligentes.


Como testimonio de su compromiso de proporcionar representación legal de calidad, la Oficina de Abogados de Chris Sanchez ha expandido sus servicios a la ciudad de Houston. Los residentes en el área de Houston ahora pueden acceder a la experiencia legal de la firma para una amplia gama de asuntos legales, incluyendo casos de lesiones personales.

En Houston, los abogados de lesiones personales de la firma están dedicados a ayudar a las víctimas de accidentes a asegurar la compensación que merecen. Con un enfoque en la investigación exhaustiva y una sólida negociación, trabajan para lograr resultados justos para sus clientes, cubriendo gastos médicos, salarios perdidos y dolor y sufrimiento.

En conclusión, la Oficina de Abogados de Chris Sanchez es una firma legal líder conocida por su compromiso inquebrantable de servir a los clientes en McAllen, Edinburg, San Antonio y Houston.

Su compromiso con el éxito del cliente y su excepcional experiencia legal les han ganado una sólida reputación en estas comunidades. Para individuos y empresas que buscan representación legal confiable, efectiva y compasiva, la Oficina de Abogados de Chris Sanchez es un aliado de confianza en el mundo legal.

The Law Office of Chris Sanchez can help if you have been sexually harassed.

The Law Office of Chris Sanchez can provide valuable assistance if you have been sexually harassed at work. Sexual harassment is illegal in many countries, including the United States, and employees who have experienced such harassment may have legal recourse to seek justice and compensation.

Here’s how Chris Sanchez can help:

Legal guidance: We can provide you with essential information about your rights and options. They can explain the laws related to sexual harassment in the workplace and help you understand whether you have a valid case.

Assessment of your case: We can evaluate the details of your situation, including the nature and severity of the harassment, any supporting evidence, and your employer’s response. This assessment will help determine the strength of your case.

Filing a complaint: Chris Sanchez can assist you in filing a formal complaint with the appropriate government agency.. This is typically a required step before pursuing a lawsuit in court.

Negotiating with your employer: An attorney such as Chris can represent you in negotiations with your employer to reach a settlement or resolution outside of court. They can use their legal expertise to ensure you receive fair compensation and that your rights are protected.

Preparing and filing a lawsuit: If negotiations fail to produce a satisfactory outcome, The Law Office of Chris Sanchez can file a lawsuit on your behalf. We will handle all legal aspects of the case, from gathering evidence to preparing legal documents and representing you in court.

Protection from retaliation: We can help protect you from any potential retaliation by your employer or colleagues. It is illegal for an employer to retaliate against an employee who has reported sexual harassment.

Building a strong case: Chris Sanchez will assist you in collecting and preserving evidence, such as emails, witnesses’ statements, and other documentation that can support your case.

Ensuring compliance with legal deadlines: There are often strict time limitations for filing complaints and lawsuits related to sexual harassment. We will ensure that you meet these deadlines to protect your legal rights.

Pursuing compensation: If your case is successful, Chris Sanchez can help you pursue compensation for damages, including lost wages, emotional distress, attorney’s fees, and, in some cases, punitive damages.

It’s important to consult with The Law Office of Chris Sanchez as we have the experience needed to handle sexual harassment cases effectively. We can guide you through the entire legal process, advocate on your behalf, and help you seek justice and resolution for the harm you have experienced.

McALlen Accident lawyer

Lesiones Personales: Comprensión, Tratamiento y Recuperación

Las lesiones personales son un tema que afecta a muchas personas a lo largo de sus vidas. Estas lesiones pueden variar desde accidentes automovilísticos hasta resbalones y caídas, y pueden tener consecuencias que van desde pequeños moretones hasta lesiones graves que requieren cirugía. En este artículo, exploraremos las lesiones personales, en particular aquellas que involucran cirugía, huesos rotos y ligamentos desgarrados.

Si ha sufrido una lesión personal, comuníquese con el abogado de McAllen Chris Sanchez hoy

Lesiones Personales: Una Visión General

Las lesiones personales pueden ocurrir en una amplia variedad de situaciones, y generalmente son el resultado de la negligencia o mala conducta de otra persona o entidad. Algunos ejemplos comunes de lesiones personales incluyen accidentes de tráfico, caídas en propiedades ajenas, accidentes laborales y lesiones deportivas. Estas lesiones pueden variar desde leves contusiones y esguinces hasta lesiones graves que requieren intervención médica.

Lesiones que Requieren Cirugía

Cuando una persona sufre una lesión grave, como huesos rotos o ligamentos desgarrados, es posible que la cirugía sea necesaria para corregir el problema y facilitar la recuperación. Las cirugías relacionadas con lesiones personales pueden ser complicadas y requerir la experiencia de cirujanos especializados.

Las fracturas óseas son una de las lesiones más comunes que pueden requerir cirugía. Dependiendo de la gravedad de la fractura, un cirujano ortopédico puede utilizar técnicas como la reducción abierta y la fijación interna con placas y tornillos para alinear y estabilizar los huesos rotos. La cirugía es fundamental para garantizar que los huesos se fusionen correctamente y que el paciente recupere la función normal.

Cirugía para Reparar Ligamentos Desgarrados

Los ligamentos son tejidos conectivos que unen los huesos entre sí y proporcionan estabilidad a las articulaciones. Los ligamentos desgarrados, comúnmente en la rodilla o el tobillo, son lesiones dolorosas que pueden requerir cirugía para su reparación.

La cirugía de reparación de ligamentos implica la reconstrucción del ligamento roto utilizando tejido del propio paciente o un injerto de tejido. Estas cirugías son realizadas por cirujanos ortopédicos especializados en lesiones de las articulaciones y pueden ser fundamentales para restaurar la estabilidad y la funcionalidad de la articulación afectada.

Rehabilitación y Recuperación

Después de una cirugía para tratar lesiones personales, la rehabilitación desempeña un papel crucial en el proceso de recuperación. La rehabilitación es un enfoque integral que ayuda a los pacientes a recuperar la fuerza, la movilidad y la función en la zona afectada. Esto es especialmente importante para aquellos que han tenido cirugías para corregir fracturas óseas o ligamentos desgarrados.

La rehabilitación generalmente comienza poco después de la cirugía y puede incluir ejercicios de fisioterapia, terapia ocupacional y otros enfoques específicos para la lesión. Los pacientes deben seguir las recomendaciones de sus profesionales de la salud para garantizar una recuperación óptima. La rehabilitación puede ser un proceso largo y desafiante, pero es esencial para restaurar la calidad de vida de los afectados.

Buscar Ayuda Legal en Caso de Lesiones Personales

Cuando una lesión personal es causada por la negligencia o mala conducta de otra parte, las víctimas pueden tener derecho a una compensación. Esto puede ayudar a cubrir los costos médicos, la pérdida de ingresos y el sufrimiento experimentado como resultado de la lesión. Es fundamental buscar asesoramiento legal en estos casos.

Un abogado de lesiones personales puede evaluar tu situación y ayudarte a determinar si tienes un caso válido para una reclamación. También pueden guiar a las víctimas a través del proceso legal y negociar con las partes responsables para asegurar una compensación justa. Esto es especialmente importante en casos de lesiones graves que requieren cirugía y un largo proceso de rehabilitación.

En resumen, las lesiones personales pueden variar en gravedad y pueden requerir cirugía, rehabilitación y tiempo para una recuperación completa. Si has sufrido una lesión personal debido a la negligencia de otra persona, es importante buscar la ayuda de un abogado de lesiones personales para proteger tus derechos y obtener la compensación que necesitas para recuperarte adecuadamente. La atención médica y la asesoría legal adecuadas pueden marcar la diferencia en tu proceso de recuperación.

McAllen Attorney

A Closer Look at Personal Injury Law in Houston and Austin with Chris Sanchez

Personal injury law encompasses a variety of situations where individuals suffer harm due to another party’s negligence. In bustling cities like Houston and Austin, the frequency of such incidents can be higher. Chris Sanchez, a seasoned personal injury lawyer, is extending his expertise to help the residents of these cities in their pursuit of justice.

Extending Legal Advocacy to Houston and Austin
With a successful practice in McAllen, the Law Office of Chris Sanchez P.C. is now offering its legal services in Houston and Austin. Chris’s in-depth understanding of personal injury law and a client-centric approach make him a reliable choice for those seeking justice.

Broad Spectrum of Personal Injury Services
The law firm caters to a myriad of personal injury cases including:

Car Accidents
18 Wheeler Accidents
Oil Refinery Accidents
Wrongful Death
And many more
Why Choose Chris Sanchez?
Chris’s approach is not just about legal representation; it’s about providing a support system during a challenging time. His firm’s commitment to transparent communication and personalized attention sets him apart in the legal landscape.

Free Consultation Offered
Understanding the legal aspects of a personal injury case can be daunting. Chris Sanchez offers a free consultation to help you understand your legal rights and the way forward.

Get in Touch
If you or a loved one has been affected by a personal injury in Houston or Austin, reach out to Chris Sanchez for reliable legal advice and representation.

Contact Information:

Phone: (956) 686-4357

McAllen Attorney

Seeking Justice in Dallas: The Law Office of Chris Sanchez P.C.

In the bustling city of Dallas, accidents and unforeseen circumstances can lead to personal injuries that disrupt lives. In such testing times, having a competent and compassionate attorney is crucial. Chris Sanchez, known for his relentless pursuit of justice, extends his legal expertise to the Dallas community.

A Texas Attorney with a Proven Track Record
Chris Sanchez has built a reputation for providing robust legal representation in personal injury cases. Now, the residents of Dallas can benefit from his expertise and experience as he extends his services to this vibrant city.

Expertise Across Various Personal Injury Domains
The Law Office of Chris Sanchez P.C. caters to a wide range of personal injury claims including:

Auto accident litigation
Catastrophic injury litigation
Motorist insurance claims litigation
Property damage litigation
Wrongful death litigation
Client-Centric Approach
Chris Sanchez believes in a client-centric approach where each case is handled with personalized attention. His firm’s approach ensures that clients are well-informed and supported throughout the legal process.

Free Consultation and Transparent Pricing
Facing a personal injury can be overwhelming. Chris Sanchez eases this journey by offering free consultations and a transparent pricing structure that ensures you pay nothing unless you win.

Reach Out Today
If you’re facing a personal injury situation in Dallas, don’t navigate the legal waters alone. Reach out to Chris Sanchez for dedicated legal representation that aims to secure the justice and compensation you deserve.

Contact Information:

Phone: (956) 686-4357

McAllen Attorney

Have you received a notice or denial letter from your insurance?

Insurance claims can be denied for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, those denied claims are valid however there are times when insurance companies deny claims in an attempt to not pay them out. If your insurance claim or policy has been denied, it is important to contact The Law Office of Chris Sanchez as soon as possible. We will help you obtain the insurance proceeds you are entitled to under your policy by fighting for you.

The frequency of insurance claims being wrongly denied can vary depending on several factors, including the insurance company, the type of insurance, the specific policy, and the circumstances of the claim. While insurance companies generally strive to handle claims fairly and accurately, there are instances where claims are unjustly denied.

Whether or not you should contact an attorney when your insurance claim gets denied depends on the specific circumstances of your situation. Here are some factors to consider:

The complexity of your case: If your claim denial is straightforward and the reasons for denial are clear, you may be able to handle the situation on your own by appealing the decision or working with your insurance company to resolve the issue. However, if your case is complex, involves substantial financial losses, or requires a deep understanding of insurance law, it may be wise to consult with an attorney.

Repeated denials: If you’ve had multiple claims denied by your insurance company, or if you believe that your insurer is acting in bad faith by consistently denying valid claims, it may be a sign that legal intervention is necessary.

Unjust or unfair denial: If you strongly believe that your claim was unjustly or unfairly denied, and you have evidence to support your position, an attorney can help you gather the necessary documentation and navigate the appeals process.

Time constraints: If you have a limited time frame for filing an appeal or if the denial is causing significant financial hardship, consulting an attorney can expedite the process and ensure that you meet all deadlines.

Insurance company disputes: In cases where you’re in a dispute with your insurance company over the interpretation of your policy, an attorney can provide legal guidance and advocate on your behalf.

Regulatory issues: If you suspect that your insurance company is engaging in unethical or illegal practices, such as acting in bad faith, it may be necessary to involve an attorney to protect your rights and potentially pursue legal action against the insurer.

Personal comfort and expertise: If you’re not well-versed in insurance law and find the process overwhelming, hiring an attorney can provide peace of mind and ensure that you have a professional advocating for your interests.

Before deciding to hire an attorney, such as The Law Office of Chris Sanchez,  it’s a good idea to consult with one for an initial assessment. Many attorneys offer free or low-cost initial consultations, during which they can evaluate the merits of your case and advise you on the best course of action. This consultation can help you determine whether legal representation is necessary and whether it’s cost-effective given the potential outcome.

Your Trusted Personal Injury Lawyer in San Antonio: Meet Chris Sanchez

When it comes to navigating the aftermath of a personal injury, having a trustworthy and experienced lawyer by your side is crucial. For the residents of San Antonio, Chris Sanchez and his law firm emerge as the reliable choice for such legal matters.

Expanding Horizons to San Antonio
The Law Office of Chris Sanchez P.C., known for its relentless pursuit of justice in McAllen, is extending its professional services to San Antonio. With a reputation built on successful case outcomes and client satisfaction, Chris and his team are ready to serve the San Antonio community.

Tailored Legal Solutions
Every personal injury case comes with its own set of challenges. Chris Sanchez’s approach is tailored to meet the unique needs of each client, ensuring personalized attention and a thorough understanding of the legal landscape in San Antonio.

Range of Services Offered
The Law Office of Chris Sanchez P.C. offers a wide spectrum of legal services in San Antonio, including:

Auto accident litigation
Catastrophic injury litigation
Motorist insurance claims litigation
Property damage litigation
Wrongful death litigation
Seamless Communication
With a commitment to keeping clients informed every step of the way, Chris ensures a seamless communication process, making the legal journey less daunting for those going through tough times.

Get in Touch
If you or a loved one is in need of a personal injury lawyer in San Antonio, look no further. Contact Chris Sanchez for a free consultation and experience the dedicated legal advocacy that many have come to rely on.

Contact Information:

Phone: (956) 686-4357

Navigating Maritime Law with Chris Sanchez: A Texas Perspective

Maritime law, also known as admiralty law, governs navigable waters. In a state like Texas, with its extensive coastline and bustling ports, maritime activities are a significant part of the economy. However, this sector can also be fraught with legal challenges, ranging from accidents on the high seas to disputes over maritime contracts. This is where the expertise of Chris Sanchez comes into play.

A Deep Dive into Texas Maritime Law
Texas maritime law encompasses a range of issues, including but not limited to ship accidents, oil spills, maritime contracts, and workers’ compensation for maritime employees. Navigating through these complex laws requires a seasoned attorney like Chris Sanchez, who has a robust understanding of both federal and Texas state maritime regulations.

Why Choose Chris Sanchez for Maritime Cases?
Chris Sanchez’s law firm is well-positioned to provide expert legal advice and representation in maritime cases. With a keen understanding of the intricacies involved in maritime law, Chris and his team are equipped to handle a myriad of maritime-related disputes and claims.

Services Offered
Chris Sanchez offers comprehensive legal services in the maritime sector, covering areas like:

Maritime Accident Litigation
Oil Spill Claims
Ship and Boat Accident Claims
Workers’ Compensation for Maritime Employees
Reach Out for a Consultation
Maritime law cases can be complex and demanding. With the Law Office of Chris Sanchez P.C., you’re not just getting a lawyer; you’re gaining a dedicated advocate who will fight tirelessly for your rights. Contact Chris Sanchez today to discuss your maritime case and understand how he can help you navigate through the legal waters.

Contact Information:

Phone: (956) 686-4357

Car Crash Attorney McAllen TX

Have you been assaulted by a business employee?

McAllen attorney Chris Sanchez is a dedicated and compassionate personal injury attorney who has made it his life’s mission to champion the rights of those who have suffered due to the negligence or misconduct of others.

With a strong commitment to seeking justice for his clients and a wealth of experience in personal injury law, Mr. Sanchez is a legal advocate you can trust to stand by your side during challenging times.

Chris Sanchez from McAllen  understands that accidents and injuries can be life-altering events, causing physical, emotional, and financial distress. His unwavering dedication to his clients stems from a deep desire to help them rebuild their lives and secure the compensation they deserve. With a keen legal mind, a compassionate heart, and a track record of successful cases, Chris Sanchez is the personal injury attorney you can rely on for support and representation in your time of need.

How can Chris help?

If you’ve been assaulted by a business employee, it’s crucial to seek legal assistance to protect your rights and pursue justice. The Law Office of Chris Sanchez can help you in several ways:

Legal Guidance and Assessment: The first step is to consult with an attorney who specializes in personal injury or assault cases. They will listen to your account of the assault, assess the details of the incident, and provide legal advice on your potential courses of action.

Investigation: Your attorney will launch an investigation to gather evidence related to the assault. This may include obtaining surveillance footage, interviewing witnesses, and collecting medical records to establish the facts of the case.

Determining Liability: Your attorney will assess whether the business can be held liable for the actions of its employee. In some cases, businesses can be held responsible if it can be shown that the assault occurred within the scope of the employee’s job or as a result of their actions on behalf of the business.

Communication with the Business and Insurer: Your attorney will handle all communication with the business where the assault occurred and their insurance company, if applicable. They will advocate on your behalf and seek a fair resolution, which may include compensation for your injuries and suffering.

Filing a Lawsuit: If a fair settlement cannot be reached through negotiations, your attorney may advise you to file a lawsuit against the business and the employee responsible for the assault. This legal action will initiate a formal legal process that may lead to a trial.

Advocacy in Court: If your case goes to trial, your attorney will represent your interests in court. They will present evidence, call witnesses, cross-examine the opposing party’s witnesses, and make persuasive arguments to the judge and jury.

Pursuing Compensation: One of the primary goals of your attorney is to help you obtain compensation for the damages you’ve suffered due to the assault. This may include medical expenses, pain and suffering, emotional distress, lost wages, and any other losses directly related to the incident.

Support and Guidance: Throughout the legal process, your attorney will offer support and guidance. They will address your concerns, answer your questions, and ensure that you are informed about the progress of your case.

Emotional Support: Experiencing an assault can be emotionally traumatic. A compassionate attorney can provide emotional support and connect you with resources for counseling or therapy to help you cope with the aftermath of the assault.

Protection of Your Rights: Your attorney is your legal advocate, and they will work to protect your rights at every stage of the legal process. They will ensure that you receive fair treatment and that your interests are represented effectively.

In summary, if you’ve been assaulted by a business employee, an attorney can be an invaluable resource to help you seek justice and compensation for your injuries. They will guide you through the legal process, gather evidence, communicate with the involved parties, and represent your interests in negotiations or court proceedings. Their expertise and support are crucial in holding the responsible parties accountable for their actions and obtaining the compensation you deserve.