Tag: Abogado Edinburg TX

Su Defensor en la Lucha contra la Negación de Reclamos de Seguro de Vida

Enfrentar la pérdida de un ser querido es emocionalmente desafiante y se vuelve aún más difícil cuando se deniega un reclamo de seguro de vida. Sin embargo, no tiene que enfrentar esta batalla solo. Chris Sanchez, un abogado dedicado, está aquí para luchar por sus beneficios y asegurarse de que su reclamo de seguro de vida no sea injustamente denegado.

El seguro de vida tiene la finalidad de brindar seguridad financiera a los beneficiarios después del fallecimiento del asegurado. Es descorazonador cuando las compañías de seguros niegan los reclamos, dejando a las familias luchando para hacer frente a la carga financiera durante un momento ya difícil. Es aquí donde entra en acción Chris Sanchez.

Con su amplia experiencia en el manejo de denegaciones de reclamos de seguro de vida, Chris comprende las tácticas y estrategias empleadas por las compañías de seguros para proteger sus intereses. Él sabe la importancia de revisar detenidamente la póliza y recopilar evidencia para respaldar su reclamo. Ya sea que la negación se base en una presunta tergiversación, exclusiones u otras razones, Chris trabajará diligentemente para impugnar la decisión y luchar por los beneficios que usted merece.

Chris Sanchez adopta un enfoque personalizado para cada caso, brindando apoyo compasivo a las familias en duelo mientras defiende ferozmente sus derechos. Analizará minuciosamente los términos de su póliza de seguro de vida, examinando las circunstancias que rodean la negación. Chris no dejará piedra sin remover para descubrir cualquier irregularidad o práctica injusta que pueda haber llevado a la denegación de su reclamo.

Cuando elija a Chris Sanchez como su representante legal, puede estar seguro de que dedicará su experiencia y recursos para construir un caso sólido en su nombre. Hará uso de sus habilidades de negociación y conocimientos legales para interactuar con la compañía de seguros, buscando una resolución justa. Si no se puede lograr un resultado satisfactorio a través de la negociación, Chris está preparado para llevar el asunto a los tribunales y litigar en su nombre.

Lo que distingue a Chris Sanchez es su compromiso inquebrantable con sus clientes. Comprende la carga financiera que puede resultar de la negación de un reclamo de seguro de vida y cree que usted no debería tener que llevar ese peso solo. Al asociarse con Chris, obtiene un defensor incansable que luchará sin descanso para asegurar los beneficios que le corresponden.

Si su reclamo de seguro de vida ha sido denegado, no pierda la esperanza. Comuníquese con Chris Sanchez hoy mismo para programar una consulta y discutir su caso. Con su experiencia, dedicación y pasión por la justicia, Chris estará a su lado, listo para luchar por sus beneficios y brindar el apoyo que necesita durante este difícil momento.

Para obtener más información sobre Chris Sanchez y sus servicios legales, visite su sitio web en www.therelentlesslawyer.com o llame al 956-616-2020.

McAllen Injury Attorney

The #1 Edinburg personal injury lawyer now offers you a FREE consultation.

Edinburg personal injury lawyer Chris Sanchez is rated among the top attorneys in the Rio Grande Valley and we are extremely happy to now offer a completely FREE consultation.

Give us a call today at (956) 686-4357 to see how we can help you obtain maximum compensation and win your case.

Top Edinburg Personal Injury Attorney Chris Sanchez

Why am I the top rated Edinburg personal injury?

Possessing all the following qualities (which I personally strive passionately for every single day, with each and every client) is one good way to define what makes a great personal injury lawyer.

The best Edinburg personal injury lawyer has the most important qualities you need.
  1. Experience: A top personal injury lawyer, such as The Law Office of Chris Sanchez, should have extensive experience in handling cases similar to yours. This includes experience with negotiating settlements, representing clients in court, and dealing with insurance companies.
  2. Communication skills: The ability to communicate clearly and effectively with clients, judges, juries, and opposing counsel is essential for a successful personal injury lawyer. They should be able to explain complex legal concepts and procedures in a way that is easily understandable to their clients.
  3. Knowledge of the law: The best Edinburg personal injury lawyer should have a deep understanding of personal injury law, including the various types of accidents and injuries, and the legal remedies available to victims. They should stay up to date on changes in the law and legal precedents. The Law Office of Chris Sanchez is the most knowledgeable.
  4. Empathy and compassion: Personal injury cases can be emotionally charged and stressful for clients. The Law Office of Chris Sanchez is one such empathetic and compassionate attorney, who will listen to their clients’ concerns and is supportive throughout the legal process.
  5. Tenacity and persistence: The best personal injury lawyers are persistent and tenacious advocates for their clients. They should be willing to fight for their clients’ rights and to take cases to trial if necessary.
  6. Strong negotiation skills: Negotiating a fair settlement with insurance companies and opposing counsel is an essential part of many personal injury cases. The best lawyers are skilled negotiators who can advocate effectively on their clients’ behalf.

Why should I contact the top Edinburg attorney?

The top 3 ways The Law Office of Chris Sanchez can help get bigger compensation for their clients in a personal injury case are:

  1. Thorough investigation and gathering of evidence: The Law Office of Chris Sanchez will conduct a thorough investigation of the accident or incident that caused the injury. This can include interviewing witnesses, reviewing medical records and police reports, and gathering any other evidence that supports their client’s claim. By building a strong case, Edinburg personal injury lawyer Chris Sanchez can negotiate a larger settlement or win a larger award at trial.
  2. Accurate valuation of damages: Chris Sanchez will work with medical experts, economists, and other professionals to accurately value the damages suffered by their client. This can include calculating the cost of medical treatment, lost wages, future medical expenses, and pain and suffering. By accurately valuing damages, the The Law Office of Chris Sanchez will seek a higher compensation package that fairly reflects the harm suffered by their client.
  3. Effective negotiation skills: Edinburg personal injury lawyer Chris Sanchez will use their negotiation skills to advocate for their client and negotiate a fair settlement with the insurance company or the other party’s lawyer. By presenting a strong case and leveraging their knowledge of the law and the facts of the case, the attorney Chris Sanchez can convince the other side to agree to a higher compensation package. If negotiations fail, The Law Office of Chris Sanchez can take the case to trial and present the case to a judge and jury to seek a larger award.

Attorney for Car Crash in McAllen, Texas

Car Crash in McAllen, Texas

When involved in a car crash, it is important to understand the legal requirements for filing a report. A report can help you establish fault and prevent problems with insurance claims or other legal issues. It’s also important to know what information should be included in your report and how talking with other people involved can affect your case.

Attorney for Car Crash in McAllen, Texas

Chris Sanchez P.C. is a personal injury law firm in McAllen, Texas. Chris Sanchez P.C. has been practicing law for years and has a team of experienced lawyers who focus solely on personal injury claims. Suppose you’ve been injured in an accident due to another driver’s negligence. In that case, we can help you recover compensation for your medical bills and other damages by filing a claim against the negligent party’s insurance company.

What Are The Legal Requirements For a Car Accident Report?

Texas law requires all drivers involved in accidents to file a report with the local police department. The report must be filed within 24 hours of the accident.

The driver must submit at least two copies of a written accident report to the reporting officer, signed and dated by both drivers, each containing all applicable information necessary to complete an official accident report. This can be done by writing it on blank forms provided by the police officer or filling out an online document provided by your insurance provider. When filing the report, the driver must also provide their driver’s license and vehicle registration numbers.

If either party does not have insurance coverage for personal injury protection coverage, then they must sign a statement that says they do not want PIP benefits from this crash before leaving their information with authorities or submitting an online form with their insurance company

Who Should File a Car Accident Report?

If you are involved in an accident or witness one, it is always best to file a report with the police. Not only does this protect you from liability, but it also helps to ensure that there are no other drivers on the road who were not involved in the accident that could be hurt by debris from crashes or drunk drivers. If your car was damaged due to another driver’s negligence, then submitting a claim for damages may also be necessary.

Does an Accident Investigation Affect my Insurance Claim?

After you’ve filed a claim, your insurance company and the defendant’s insurance company will investigate the accident.

These investigations aim to determine who was responsible for causing the accident to settle appropriately. They may also be used to determine whether any other parties or drivers should be held liable for damages in your case, such as if another driver caused an accident that resulted in injuries to you or others. While these investigations are typically completed within 30 days, they can take longer, depending on certain factors.

What Information Should I Provide To The Investigating Officer?

You should provide the investigating officer with the following information:

  • Your name, address, and phone number.
  • The driver’s license number of all drivers involved in the accident and their names, addresses, and phone numbers (if available).
  • The name, address, and phone number of witnesses to the collision or other people who saw what happened before it happened (if known). You should also ask them for this information if they do not offer it on their own accord. If possible, try to get a statement from them about what they saw leading up to or during this collision so you can use that information when filing your claim later down the road. The same goes for passengers in both vehicles; collect their names, addresses, and phone numbers (if available).

Is There Any Reason That I Shouldn’t Talk To The Investigating Officer?

You should not talk to the investigating officer if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. You also should not speak with the investigating officer if you were not in the accident or did not drive your car.

At this point, we think it is important for you to understand what an investigating officer does. An investigating officer goes to where the crash occurred and gathers information from anyone involved (or who saw what happened). They will ask questions about how fast everyone was driving, where they were when everything happened, etc., and they will write down what they hear on a form called a “statement” or “account statement,” which is then used as evidence in court later on if necessary.

Should I Talk To Other People Involved in the Accident?

It would be best if you talked to the other people involved in your accident. Talking to them will help you determine who was at fault and what damages you may be able to recover.

It would help if you did not talk to any driver involved in an accident. Police officers warn that speaking with drivers could interfere with their investigation. The officer may also get confused about what happened during the crash if everyone tells a different story about how it occurred or who was responsible for causing it.

However, if you believe someone else caused your injury and want advice from an attorney before giving a statement, contact us today! Our team of car accident lawyers has decades of experience dealing with insurance companies while representing clients who have been injured due to negligence on the part of another party.


If you have been involved in a car accident, it is important to know the legal requirements for filing a report. This article has discussed some of the most common questions regarding accident reporting in McAllen, TX. If you still have questions about your particular case, please get in touch with the Law Office Of Chris Sanchez P.C. at  (956) 686-4357

How Law Office of Chris Sanchez will help you in car crash cases in, Houston, Texas, and Harris county

If you are involved in a car crash lawsuit, no one can help you better than the Law Office of Chris Sanchez in Houston, Texas, and Harris county. Law Office of Chris Sanchez has been working on many cases where innocent people have been hurt because of someone else’s irresponsibility behind the wheel. The lawyers at the Law Office of Chris Sanchez will ensure your case is handled correctly by going to court if needed.

Are you a resident of Houston, Texas, and Harris county?

If you are a resident of Houston, Texas, and Harris county, then it is likely that you have heard about the large number of car crashes that occur every year. Unfortunately, these collisions can result in serious injuries or even death. To ensure that you receive adequate compensation for your losses following an accident, it is essential to contact an attorney who understands how these cases work.

The Law Office of Chris Sanchez will provide a free consultation so that you can learn more about the process and how we can help with your case. Our attorneys will be able to explain precisely how car crash claims work in Texas and what options are available for clients whose negligent driver has been injured. We offer several payment plans so that our clients do not need to worry about paying high legal bills at once; instead, they can pay them off over time without incurring additional interest charges on top of their regular expenses.

Are you looking for an attorney who can help you in your case?

The Law Office of Chris Sanchez is a law firm that specializes in helping people who have been involved in car crashes. This law firm’s practice has helped hundreds of people file claims, and many have successfully recovered damages against the responsible party.

Do you want to discuss your case without any fees or costs?

In this case, discussing your issue with a lawyer is most appropriate instead of going to a legal aid attorney. A Lawyer will be able to help you in different ways, and they will also let you know if they can take up your case or not.

Suppose you are looking for a lawyer who charges less than other lawyers but gives good quality service. In that case, the best option will be to find an experienced accident attorney who has been practicing for years. This kind of person has more experience than any other lawyer around Houston, Texas, and the Harris County area, and that’s why their cost is higher than others. But don’t worry about how much money you have because there are many websites online where you can find some excellent deals on hiring an accident lawyer.

Car crash cases are very tough and troubling.

Car crash cases are very tough and troubling. You must hire a good car crash lawyer to win the case and get reasonable compensation. You will have to do your research before hiring a car crash lawyer. Law Office of Chris Sanchez is an experienced car crash lawyer in Houston, Texas, and Harris county who has been practicing for many years.

Law Office of Chris Sanchez is capable of handling car crash lawsuits in Houston, Texas.

Law Office of Chris Sanchez is a car crash lawyer in Houston, Texas, and Harris county. This means they can handle car crash lawsuits in Houston, Texas, and also take car crashes in Harris county, which is located just outside the city limits of Houston, Texas.

Law Office of Chris Sanchez helps clients to get their rightful payments in case of car crashes.

Law Office of Chris Sanchez is the best car crash lawyer in Houston, Texas, that you can hire. This law office has handled several cases related to car crashes, and they have won most of them. They have helped their clients to get rightful payments by winning their cases.

In such a situation, it becomes essential for the client to get proper help from a good car crash lawyer who can fight for their rights and ensure they win the case.

Law Office of Chris Sanchez has taken care of several car crash cases.

Law Office of Chris Sanchez has taken care of several car crash cases. The office has helped clients to get their rightful payments in case of car crashes. The office has also handled several car crash cases in Houston, Texas, and Harris.

Law Office of Chris Sanchez is a professional law firm that handles personal injury cases for its clients. It understands the need for good legal representation when you have suffered injuries or losses due to someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing, like in the case of a car accident caused by another driver who was driving under the influence (DUI).

If needed, the Law Office of Chris Sanchez goes to court for the sake of their clients.

If you want a lawyer who knows what they are doing, the Law Office of Chris Sanchez is the place for you. The lawyers at this firm know how to win cases and make their clients happy. They have won many issues in the past and will do everything possible to win yours. If needed, they even go to court on behalf of their clients!

In such cases, the Law Office of Chris Sanchez will help you to win the case.

In such cases, the Law Office of Chris Sanchez will help you to win the case. The Law Office of Chris Sanchez has assisted many clients in car crash cases that they have won their cases and received compensation for the damages caused by other drivers’ negligence.

The Law Office of Chris Sanchez has taken care of several car crash cases and won them. If you are looking for a Houston personal injury lawyer who can represent your case in court, then contact us today at (956) 686-4357

You need proper help from a good car crash lawyer in such a situation.

You need proper help from a good car crash lawyer in such a situation. A good Houston car crash lawyer should provide you with the best legal representation possible to ensure your rights are protected and your interests are looked after.

To find out if you have been in an accident, you must speak with one of our attorneys immediately and tell them about what happened so that we can get started on your case as soon as possible.

If you want to fight a car crash lawsuit, then no one can help you better than the Law Office of Chris Sanchez in Houston, Texas, and Harris county

If you want to fight a car crash lawsuit, no one can help you better than the Law Office of Chris Sanchez in Houston, Texas, and Harris county. The Law Office of Chris Sanchez is an excellent car crash lawyer in Houston, Texas, and Harris county. They are also a very experienced car crash lawyer in Houston, Texas, and Harris county.


Law Office of Chris Sanchez is a renowned car crash lawyer in Houston, Texas, and Harris county. It has helped many people to get their rightful payments in case of car crashes. If you have been involved in any accident related to your car, then don’t hesitate to contact them immediately so that they can help you out with everything associated with your case.

Chris Sanchez Personal Injury Lawyer in Brownsville, McAllen, and the Rio Grande Valley


Sanchez Law Firm is a personal injury law firm located in Brownsville, McAllen, and the Rio Grande Valley. We offer free consultations to help you understand your claim and how we can help you. Call us today for a free consultation.

Chris Sanchez

Chris Sanchez is a personal injury lawyer in Brownsville, McAllen, and the Rio Grande Valley. Chris Sanchez is a lawyer specializing in personal injury law. He has over years of experience helping clients get the compensation they deserve after being injured in an auto accident. 

Injury Lawyer

Chris Sanchez is an injury lawyer in Brownsville, McAllen, and the Rio Grande Valley. Chris Sanchez is a personal injury lawyer who handles all types of individual injury cases, including car accidents, trucking accidents, motorcycle crashes, bicycle accidents, slips, falls, and more.

Chris Sanchez has been practicing law for years and has successfully handled thousands of cases involving injuries due to:

  • Car Accidents – Bus Accidents – Trucking Accidents – Motorcycle Crashes – Bicycle Crashes – Slip & Fall Injuries

Auto Accidents

Auto accidents can be devastating. The best way to avoid being in one is by not driving, but that’s not going to happen, so you must know what to do if you or someone you love is involved in an auto accident.

Chris Sanchez will help you understand your rights and options after an auto accident. His firm has decades of experience working with clients who have been hurt by someone else’s negligence behind the wheel. Chris understands that every case is unique, so he reviews every file his team handles before recommending a settlement or trial.

Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents are common, making up about 5 percent of all car accidents but account for 14 percent of all fatalities.

Chris Sanchez will help you get answers to your questions and fight for your rights in court if necessary. He has experience handling cases like yours, including:

  • You were injured while riding a motorcycle
  • You have suffered brain damage as a result of being hit by another vehicle

If you’re concerned about what this has done to your future or want someone on your side during this difficult time, call Chris Sanchez today!


Accidents involving 18-wheelers are serious and often result in severe injuries or even death. The sheer weight of these trucks makes them dangerous. If you have been injured in an accident with an 18-wheeler, you must contact the Law Office of Chris Sanchez immediately. Chris Sanchez is a personal injury attorney who has handled many cases involving 18-wheeler accidents. He understands the complexities of these cases and will be able to help you get compensation for your injuries, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

The damage caused by the collision depends on how fast the truck was traveling at impact, whether a passenger car was involved, whether other vehicles were involved in the crash and how much damage each vehicle sustained during the clash.

In some cases, it may be necessary for police officers or witnesses to determine exactly what happened before they can file charges against another driver or company. 

Car crash

A car crash is an unfortunate occurrence that can happen to anyone. Some people are more at risk of a car crash than others, but no one is immune to the potential risks associated with driving on the roads.

If you’ve been involved in a car crash, it’s essential to know what your rights are and what steps should be taken next. From this point forward, many things can affect your case, including insurance company practices and litigation strategies from opposing counsel.

The best thing you can do after being involved in a car accident is talk with an experienced attorney who knows how these cases work so they can help guide you through each stage of the process. Chris Sanchez has dedicated his practice exclusively to personal injury law for over 30 years and knows how important it is for victims of auto accidents to get representation early on so they don’t miss out on their chance at compensation for medical bills and lost wages due against another driver’s negligence or recklessness on the roadways around Brownsville Texas area – McAllen Texas areas Rio Grande Valley area South Texas region

Bicycle and Pedestrian Accidents

If you have been involved in a bicycle or pedestrian accident, you must contact a personal injury lawyer who can help you understand your rights. 

Chris Sanchez is an experienced personal injury attorney who has helped many people recover after another individual or entity has injured them. 

There are many ways that someone could be injured while riding their bicycle on the roadways of the Brownsville-McAllen-Edinburg area:

  • Bicycles can get into accidents with cars because drivers may not see them coming from behind until it’s too late;
  • Bicycles may also collide with pedestrians who step out onto the street without looking first;
  • If a car encounters poor road conditions due to bad weather conditions such as rain or snowfall, then this will cause vehicles to lose control quickly, resulting in collisions;  or even mechanical failures such as flat tires, which often occur at night when visibility is low

Slip and Falls

Slip and fall accidents are common in Brownsville, McAllen, and Rio Grande Valley. If you or someone you know has suffered an injury in a slip and fall accident, Chris Sanchez can help.

Slip, and falls occur when a person fails to maintain a safe area or surface used by others. Injuries resulting from these types of accidents may include:

  • Back injuries
  • Facial fractures or disfigurement
  • Broken bones (femur, tibia)
  • Neck injuries

Injuries caused by slips and falls can be severe, sometimes even life-threatening. If you or your loved ones have been injured due to another person’s negligence—or if they have been killed—it is essential that you take action immediately so that the responsible party cannot avoid paying for damages they caused. Contact us today!

Commercial case

Chris Sanchez is a commercial case lawyer that has helped countless clients with their business litigation needs. He provides clients with the best legal advice to help them in their commercial transactions, contracts, and other business matters.

Suppose you have been injured at work or while performing any work-related activity. In that case, Chris Sanchez, your Texas personal injury lawyer, can help you recover damages for your injuries.

Construction accident

Construction sites are often hazardous workplaces, where employees can be injured daily. Construction workers risk injury whenever they’re on-site, from falling debris or being struck by heavy machinery or tools in motion. Construction sites are also usually poorly lit and not well maintained, making them more dangerous places to work overall than other types of workplaces.

If you or someone you love has been injured in a construction accident at work, you should immediately contact Chris Sanchez, Personal Injury Lawyer, for help with your case. We have experience handling these cases and know how to represent the best people who were hurt because someone else did not do their job correctly or safely.

Wrongful death

You can file a claim for wrongful death if:

  • You are the surviving spouse, child, parent, or another relative of the deceased person
  • The person who died was under your care and was killed due to another’s negligence.

You may not be able to file a wrongful death claim if:

  • The deceased person had children, but they were married or otherwise emancipated at the time of death (such as being over 18 years old.)

The statute of limitations for wrongful death cases is two years from when you knew about the cause of action (the date that your loved one died), which means that it has been too long since that happened, so you cannot bring this case anymore.


Christ Sanchez is an injury lawyer in Brownsville, McAllen, and the Rio Grande Valley. He has been practicing law for years and has handled thousands of cases. Christ Sanchez works hard to make sure his clients get the best possible representation when they need it most. He is well known for his dedication to his clients, who have come back time after time because they know they can count on him when times get tough. If you or someone you know needs legal assistance with a personal injury case, call Chris today!

A Guide To Slip And Fall Claims in Corpus Christi, Mcallen, Edinburg, and Brownsville


Slip and fall claims in Corpus Christi, Mcallen, Edinburg, and Brownsville have increased by over 300% in recent years. That means more people seek compensation for their injuries after slipping on a wet floor or another hazard found on a business’s premises. This guide will provide the information you need to determine if you have a case worth pursuing and how to do so if so.

What is a Slip and Fall Claim?

Slip and fall claims are one of the most common personal injury cases. These types of lawsuits typically involve someone filing a claim against the owner or manager of a business because they have been injured on their property. These injuries can be minor, such as bruises or scrapes, or more severe, such as broken bones or head trauma.

Who is at Fault in A Slip And Fall Claim?

Slip and fall claims can be complex. When you fall on someone else’s property, they may try to blame you for causing the accident—especially if they didn’t know that their floors were slippery. They’ll allege that you were negligent or that your negligence caused (or at least contributed to) the accident.

A slip and fall claim can involve multiple parties and causes of action, so it is essential to consult with an attorney familiar with this type of personal injury lawsuit. In addition to helping you get money for your medical expenses and lost wages, a lawyer might also be able to help you recover from pain and suffering and emotional distress caused by an accident.

How Long Do I Have To File a Claim?

If you’re wondering how long you must file a slip and fall claim, the answer is two years. But this statute of limitations varies depending on the type of claim, damages sought, and injuries sustained. For example:

  • If you claim damages for property damage, your claim must be filed within two years.
  • Suppose you claim damages for personal injury (i.e., medical expenses). In that case, your claim must be filed within two years after it was discovered or should have been discovered by the claimant that they had sustained an injury due to someone else’s negligence (which could mean months or even years later).
  • If you are claiming both property damage AND personal injury at once — say if someone falls into a store display case while trying to steal something inside and gets injured — then there is no statute of limitations deadline because both types of claims go hand in hand with each other!

The Primary Cause of Slip And Fall Claims?

In the United States, slip and fall injuries are the second most common type of injury, and they account for more than 1 million visits to emergency rooms each year.

The primary cause of a slip and fall claim is usually something slippery on the floor. Besides puddles or spills that weren’t cleaned up in time, it may be ice or snow that hasn’t been cleared off promptly. Some people also blame poorly lit areas; however, lighting is not typically considered an issue when dealing with slips and falls.

How Is A Slip And Fall Claim Investigated?

An investigation is conducted to determine the cause of the accident. The investigator will gather evidence and interview witnesses who may have seen what happened. These interviews can help the investigator develop a theory about what caused the slip and fall accident, which may include:

  • A defect in something on or near the floor that caused you to trip or fall, like an oil spill or cracked tile;
  • A wet area where there should not have been water (like a puddle);
  • A dangerous object that was left on your path, like an extension cord; and
  • Something else unexpected that caused you to slip, trip, or fall.

What Can Damages Be Recouped In A Slip And Fall Claim?

You can recover the following damages in a slip and fall case:

  • Medical bills related to your injuries, including physical therapy, prescriptions, and hospitalization.
  • Lost wages if you missed time from work due to your injury.
  • Pain and suffering caused by accident (if you were injured). You may also be eligible for compensation for the accident’s mental anguish/emotional distress. This includes pain from flashbacks or other psychological injuries.
  • Property damage to your property if damaged during an accident; this could include a car or house damaged due to someone else’s negligence. 

How can a slip-and-fall lawyer help you?

A slip and fall lawyer can help you by representing you in court. They will handle everything from beginning to end so that all you have to do is show up. They will also help with any insurance company that may arise during your case.

They can also help with your doctor’s bills if caused by accident and lost wages and pain and suffering if they happened because of it. They can represent you any time after the incident, years ago or last week!

Contact the Law Office of Chris Sanchez in Corpus Christi

If you have a slip and fall claim, the Law Office of Chris Sanchez can help. Call the office at (956) 616-2020 to learn more about how we can help you recover damages for your injuries. You can also send us a message through our website, www.therelentlesslawyer.com.

Contact the Law Office of Chris Sanchez in Mcallen

If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident, it’s essential to contact us immediately. Our law firm has been helping clients with their slip and fall claims over the years, so we know the best ways to handle your case. To speak with an attorney about your case, call our office at (956) 616-2020. Whether you plan on filing a claim or not, we encourage all of our clients to schedule a free consultation at our office

Contact the Law Office of Chris Sanchez in Edinburg

If you’ve been injured in a slip-and-fall accident, you must talk to an attorney who can help you get the compensation you deserve. If you live in Edinburg and need legal assistance with your slip and fall claim, contact the Law Office of Chris Sanchez today at (956) 616-2020 for a free consultation.

Contact the Law Office of Chris Sanchez in Brownsville

If you are a victim of a slip or fall accident in Brownsville and would like to discuss your case, please get in touch with the Law Office of Chris Sanchez. Our staff is available to help you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Please call us at (956) 616-2020 or visit our website, www. therelentlesslawyer.com com


If you have suffered a slip and fall injury, it is essential to contact the Law Office of Chris Sanchez as soon as possible, so we can help you get compensated for your medical bills, lost wages, and other damages. Our attorneys are experienced in helping victims of these accidents get the compensation they deserve, so contact us today!

Chris Sanches Personal Injury Lawyer Attorney

Abogados Consulta Gratis En McAllen Tx

¡Bienvenido a la mejor firma de abogados en McAllen TX! ¿Quieres un abogado que trabaje duro para ti? Entonces busca uno de nuestros mejores abogados en McAllen TX listos para ayudarte hoy!

Si necesita asistencia legal, ofrecemos consultas gratuitas con nuestros abogados. No paga nada hasta después de que ganemos su caso.

How to Get a Personal Injury Settlement When You’ve Been Injured by a Company Vehicle

Have you been injured by a company vehicle? If so, have you been to an attorney yet? Please don’t assume that the insurance company will give you enough money to make it all better. They may offer you a few thousand dollars (if that) for injury-related medical bills, lost wages, and more. But in most cases, you can do better than that. Personal injury attorney Chris Sanchez helps people injured by company vehicles get a fair amount of money to help deal with their injuries and the fact that they may never be able to work again. The Sanchez Law Firm has been helping accidents and personal injury victims over the years. Our lawyers work on a contingent fee basis, meaning we only get paid if you do. 

We are ready to help You!

If you’ve been hit by a company vehicle, you may be eligible to file a claim. At the Law Offices of Chris Sanchez, we have a team of lawyers who can help you get the compensation you deserve.

Chris Sanchez has helped many people recover compensation for their injuries over the years, and he’s ready to do it again! If someone else’s negligence caused your injury—or even if your negligence played a role—we want to help. We can talk about your case in person and give an honest assessment of whether or not we think you have grounds for filing a suit against someone who injured you because they were driving unsafely or otherwise acted negligently.

Drivers can be distracted by other things.

When you’ve been injured by a company vehicle, it can be overwhelming to realize that you’re now responsible for paying medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses. You may also feel unsure about how to proceed to get compensation for your injuries.

The first step in filing a personal injury claim is finding a lawyer specializing in personal injury law. They’ll also ensure that all documents are filed correctly and on time so that there are no delays in your claim being processed by the court system.

You should also know that while most car crash claims are resolved through negotiations between the two parties involved, some cases go to trial if they cannot be resolved outside of court proceedings. In some cases—such as when someone has died due to their injuries sustained during an accident—the case may need to go before a judge or jury because there’s no way for both sides’ attorneys to come up with an agreement about compensation for damages caused by one person’s negligence (or recklessness). A driver can be distracted by cellphone calls, texting, coffee, or even a GPS device. They may be speeding or following too close to other vehicles causing them to rear-end you.

Experienced Attorneys at The Sanchez Law Firm Ready to Help You

The skilled automobile accident lawyers at The Sanchez Law Firm could help you through your claim and get the compensation you are entitled to if you were struck by a business vehicle.. We use a contingency fee model for all of our projects.

The most dangerous vehicles on the road are company vehicles because they are driven by inexperienced drivers who often feel they have more experience due to having driven for years in their cars. In addition, these inexperienced drivers may be distracted by passengers or using cell phones while driving, making them lose focus even a second before becoming involved in an accident with another driver or pedestrian.

Our Attorneys are Experienced in Handling all Types of Auto Accidents

We at the Sanchez Law Firm have handled a wide range of vehicle accident injuries and can assist you through the legal system.

We’re here to assist you through the legal system if you’ve been injured in an automobile accident. 

Please call us at (956) 686-4357 or fill out our online form if you’ve been struck by a business vehicle. The Sanchez Law Firm takes pride in holding negligent drivers accountable for their actions

Our attorneys at The Sanchez Law Firm take pride in holding negligent drivers accountable for their actions while striving to recover the fair compensation our clients deserve.

At The Sanchez Law Firm, we handle all types of automobile accidents and have the experience necessary to help guide your case through the legal system. Our attorneys at The Sanchez Law Firm take pride in holding negligent drivers accountable for their actions while striving to recover the fair compensation our clients deserve.

The Sanchez Law Firm offers free consultations

The Sanchez Law Firm offers free consultations; we don’t get paid unless you do. Call us at (956) 686-4357 to schedule your appointment!

If you’ve been injured in a company vehicle accident, we can help. We are experienced and ready to fight for your rights. You won’t pay unless we win your case, so call now and let us get started on getting you justice!

Here at The Sanchez Law Firm, we have a reputation for fighting hard for the people who need it most—the victims of negligence. Our personal injury attorneys have been doing this work for years. They know how important it is that people like yourself receive fair compensation for their injuries sustained due to someone else’s wrongdoing or negligence. These cases often involve enormous sums of money, which means that if you choose an attorney who does not fully understand all aspects, such as insurance laws, etc., then chances are very high that they will end up taking too much money from you while giving up some key points to get “the deal done.”


We hope this article has helped you understand what to do when a company vehicle hits. But if you have more questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our Personal Injury attorneys at The Sanchez Law Firm! We offer free consultations and don’t get paid unless you do. Call us at (956) 686-4357 to schedule your appointment.

Best Personal Injury Attorney In Rio Grande Valley

Contact the best personal Injury Lawyers in Texas if you have been involved in an accident or injury. The Law Office of Chris Sanchez, P.C. is the most reliable and trusted law firm that provides professional help with personal injury claims for Brownsville, McAllen, Edinburg residents, and surrounding cities in Texas.

Best Personal Injury Attorney In Rio Grande Valley – The Law Office of Chris Sanchez, P.C.

The Law Office of Chris Sanchez, P.C. is the best personal injury attorney in Rio Grande Valley. We offer 24-hour service and free consultation for all our clients who need an experienced lawyer to help them with their case and get compensation from an insurance company.

Our lawyers are here to listen to your concerns, answer any questions you may have, and help with your claim from start to finish. Our main goal is to protect our client’s rights during any legal matter so they can move on with their lives after being injured due to someone else’s negligence or intentional actions. We will fight for you!

Accident Attorney McAllen – The Law Office Of Chris Sanchez, P.C.

The Law Office of Chris Sanchez, P.C. is a personal injury law firm in McAllen, TX. Our attorneys are dedicated to helping injured people get the compensation they deserve after an accident. We proudly serve clients throughout the Rio Grande Valley and adjacent areas.

Suppose you have been injured in an accident due to someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing. In that case, we can help you recover damages for your pain and suffering, medical bills, and lost wages from missed work, as well as other losses related to your injuries such as loss of consortium (spouse), loss of enjoyment of life (family members), property damage and more.

Accident Attorney Brownsville – The Law Office of Chris Sanchez P.C.

Were you in an accident? Do you need help with your case? The Law Office of Chris Sanchez P.C. can help!

We are a personal injury firm that will work hard to get the compensation you deserve for your injuries, medical bills, and lost wages. Our attorneys have years of experience handling Car Crashs, truck accidents, motorcycle crashes, and other personal injury claims in Texas and throughout the United States. We know what it takes to win these cases because we’ve done it hundreds of times. When it comes to defending your rights as the victim of someone else’s negligence or recklessness on the roadways, there is no substitute for our knowledge, experience, or dedication to getting results for our clients — which is why we are confident when we say: “We will fight for you.”

Best Accident Attorney Edinburg – The Law Office Of Chris Sanchez P.C.

The Law Office of Chris Sanchez P.C. is a personal injury law firm based in Edinburg, Texas, representing individuals injured due to someone else’s negligence. We handle all personal injury cases, including vehicle accidents, motorcycle crashes, truck collisions, dog bites, and slip and fall injuries. We take pride in helping our clients get the compensation they deserve after suffering severe injuries or loss of property because someone else was at fault for their accident or injury.

Best Accident Attorney South Padre Island – The Law Office Of Chris Sanchez P.C.

The Law Office Of Chris Sanchez P.C. is one of South Padre Island’s best personal injury attorneys. We handle accident cases that involve injuries, wrongful death, and medical malpractice. Our team of dedicated lawyers has been helping clients get justice for over a decade.

We are here to help you recover from your injuries and emotional trauma caused by someone else’s negligence or carelessness. Call us today at (956) 686-4357 to schedule an appointment with our lawyers, who will answer all your questions regarding personal injury claims in Rio Grande Valley, Texas

Best Injury Attorney Harlingen – The Law Office Of Chris Sanchez P.C.

If you require the best personal injury attorney Harlingen, look no further. The Law Office Of Chris Sanchez P.C. has a proven track record of delivering results exceeding clients’ expectations. Our team is dedicated to helping those whom the negligence of others has harmed, and we will work tirelessly on your behalf to secure the compensation you deserve.

Our office has been serving clients throughout Rio Grande Valley, so when it comes to choosing an attorney who understands how insurance companies operate and will fight hard for your rights in court, there’s no one better qualified than us!

You don’t have time or money on your side while waiting around for your case to settle out of court — which means that our firm operates differently than other law offices: When you hire us as your legal representation, we’ll immediately begin working on building a solid case against those responsible for causing your injuries so that they can’t continue with business as usual while waiting for someone else’s life to be turned upside down because of their neglectful actions (or inaction).

Best Injury Attorney Weslaco – The Law Office Of Chris Sanchez P.C.

Injuries can be devastating, and the legal process can be confusing. At The Law Office of Chris Sanchez P.C., we’re here to help. We provide a wide range of services to injured clients in Weslaco and throughout the Rio Grande Valley, including personal injury law, criminal defense, and family law.

If you have been injured due to another party’s negligence or recklessness—whether in an accident or on someone else’s property—you may be entitled to compensation for your damages. Our experienced lawyers will work hard to seek maximum compensation for your injuries so that you can focus on getting better and moving forward with your life.

Top Injury Attorney Mission- The Law Office Of Chris Sanchez P.C.

The Law Office Of Chris Sanchez P.C. is an established and dedicated law firm in Mission that has served clients over the years. Our highly qualified and experienced attorneys handle your injury case effectively and efficiently. We also offer a free consultation to all our clients who want to learn more about their legal options and receive advice on how they can pursue a claim against the responsible party for their injuries.

The Law Office Of Chris Sanchez P.C.’s mission statement is: “To provide effective representation for our clients by addressing their needs with integrity and honesty; striving to achieve justice on behalf of those we serve.”

Best Accident Attorney Rio grande city – The Law Office Of Chris Sanchez P.C.

The Law Office Of Chris Sanchez P.C. | Best Accident Attorney Rio grande city – The Law Office Of Chris Sanchez P.C.

The Law Office of Chris Sanchez, PLLC is a personal injury law firm based in McAllen, Texas serving clients throughout the Rio Grande Valley and across the state of Texas to recover compensation for their injuries and losses caused by negligence and abuse or fraud. Our team of experienced trial lawyers has recovered millions on behalf of our clients who were injured due to someone else’s carelessness or misconduct, resulting in:

  • Personal injuries such as traumatic brain injury (TBI), spinal cord injuries (SCI), broken bones and fractures (fractures), lacerations requiring stitches
  • Wrongful death claims when a family member dies as a result of an accident caused by another person’s negligence/willful misconduct; wrongful death cases include but are not limited to Car Crashs involving pedestrians hit by cars or trucks; truck accidents involving pedestrians hit by trucks; motorcycle accidents with motorcyclists getting killed after colliding with other vehicles whether they be cars or trucks; bicycle accidents where bicyclists are struck by cars or trucks causing fatal injuries

Best Accident Attorney Edinburg TX – The Law Office Of Chris Sanchez P.C.

The Law Office Of Chris Sanchez P.C. is a full-service personal injury law firm that handles claims involving Car Crashs, medical malpractice, motorcycle accidents, trucking accidents, and more in the Rio Grande Valley area. 

Suppose you are involved in an accident or injury, contact the best Accident & Injury Lawyers. If you have been injured and need a lawyer to help you get money for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering, contact us today! We will give you a free consultation where we explain everything about what we can do for your case. Call now before it’s too late!


We have a team of experienced lawyers who can help you with your case. All our clients are offered free initial consultations, so don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for more information or to schedule an appointment. Visit us at www.TheRelentlessLawyer.com or in person at our office at 104 S. 23rd Street
McAllen TX 78501

Car accident lawyer in Edinburg

Abogado de accidentes de camion en Edinburg TX te ayuda a obtener maxima compensacion.

Abogado de accidentes de camion en Edinburg TX, de las Oficinas Legales de Chris Sanchez, sigue ganando casos y dinero para todos sus clientes.

Cuando estas involucrado en un choque con un camión con remolque, el resultado suele ser una lesión catastrófica o una muerte por negligencia.

Aunque similares a los accidentes automovilísticos, la verdad es que los accidentes que involucran camiones grandes son significativamente más peligrosos. Con demasiada frecuencia, estos accidentes son causados ​​por camioneros y compañías de camiones que no cumplen con una variedad de regulaciones diseñadas para promover y garantizar la operación segura de sus camiones grandes.

Algunas normas de sentido común se refieren a los conductores de estos camiones e incluyen riesgos tales como la cantidad de tiempo en la carretera, la cantidad de descansos y el peso de su carga.

Los conductores de camiones trabajan muchas horas y, a menudo, su empleador los presiona para que completen sus tareas por cualquier medio necesario. Eso da como resultado atajos que equivalen a negligencia y accidentes devastadores. Cuando una empresa de camiones o sus conductores violan estas normas o desobedecen las leyes de tránsito, deben rendir cuentas.

Miembro Legal de Las Oficinas Legales de Chris Sanchez

Responsabilidad en Casos de Accidentes de Camiones en Edinburg

Si bien el conductor del camión es directamente responsable de operar un camión de 18 ruedas, hay varias partes detrás de cada colisión de camiones. Sin embargo, responsabilizar a cualquiera de esas empresas o personas requiere una gran cantidad de investigación y suficiente experiencia para hacer las preguntas correctas. Los tremendos recursos de nuestros abogados de accidentes de camiones en Edinburg TX ayudan a las víctimas a obtener respuestas sobre lo que les sucedió y quién hizo que sucediera, lo cual es una parte vital para obtener verdadera justicia en los tribunales.

abogado de accidentes de camion en Edinburg
Clientes satisfechos

Llama hoy al mejor abogado de accidentes de camion en Edinburg TX. Ofrecemes consulta gratis! (956) 686-4357.